November 8, 2004...
November 8, 2004 -- I got to Hazleton, Pennsylvania late last night, dropped my trailer and picked up an empty one. This afternoon I picked up a new load at Palmyra, Pennsylvania, this one delivering at noon on Wednesday in Kennesaw, Georgia, which is a northern suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. Right now I'm spending the night at a truck stop at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
I spent a bit of time this evening putting together a video movie review of the movie Van Helsing, which I recently watched on DVD. Here's the link:
Tom's Video Review of Van Helsing
You will have to pardon the noisy audio. The interference noise is generated by my DC to AC power inverter I power the laptop with here in the truck. While I was recording the review, I turned off the power inverter and tried to operate the laptop on its battery. I didn't realize it, but the battery has seemed to have become weak -- the computer went into "hibernation" while I was trying to record the review. Therefore, the only way I could record it was with the computer running on AC power from the inverter. I'll have to try to re-do it later once I've figured the battery problem out.