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Tom's Trucker Travels & Audio Podcast
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
  Florida About To Curse Itself...
Tom talks about slow Flying J WiFi, the dangers of having a shared hard drive on public WiFi networks, recommends Core FTP Lite, discusses the General Motors podcast, says that the Terry Shivo case will curse the state of Florida if the state puts her to death, talks about the liberal so-called progressive

Tom talks about slow Flying J WiFi, the dangers of having a shared hard drive on public WiFi networks, recommends Core FTP Lite, discusses the General Motors podcast, says that the Terry Shivo case will curse the state of Florida if the state puts her to death, talks about the liberal so-called progressive "poverty pimps" on the left, the potential Bird Flu epidemic, how secret resentment and judgement opens us up to the dark side and weakens our immune systems, how we have great technology but are ignorant about the mind, recommends a meditation to use, and talks about a Washington, D.C. school that brought in 500 cats into the cafeteria to be spayed and nuetered over the weekend and now has parents outraged. The links for today's show are:

http://www.audiographics.com/agd/s1022105.htm -- A blogged negative article about podcasting trying to reassure professional radio broadcasters that podcasting is only a passing fad and poses no danger to them -- yeah, right. I posted the following feedback comment that likely won't ever see the light of day.

"You come across as perhaps a bit angry and bitter that the media production and delivery
landscape is once again changing. We are in the early stages of an absolute revolution in
the way content is created and delivered. I drive a truck over-the-road and through the
magic of my laptop's Sprint PCS "Merlin" card I'm able to keep my MP3 player full of fresh
content to listen to every day as I'm driving, which is a LOT of content. One of the
wonderful things about podcasting is that it allows people to say what they REALLY think.
Traditional broadcasters, especially these days, are forced to tow a corporate line and be
"entertaining" as a way to disguise the fact that they aren't really communicating anything
meaningful. I am really able to connect to the podcasters I'm listening to. Sure, it's
amatuer and the production values are lacking -- that gives it a lot of it's charm. Mark my
words, the revolution has just started. The effects of it 5 or 10 years down the road can
only be imagined at this point. I dream of the day when fast wireless Internet blankets
every square inch of the landscape, where virtually every audio and video playback device
has it's own broadband Internet connection. Once that happens, and it's not that far off,
the revolution will really take off. Entire industries have been displaced by the Internet
and the globalized nature of our world, and this phenomonon is moving into the service
sector as well. Entire industries are now dissappearing seemingly overnight, and the speed
of this change will do nothing but continue to accellerate."

http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0205/208719.html -- An article about a Washington, D.C. school that brought in 500 stray cats to be spayed and nuetered over the weekend IN THE SCHOOL'S CAFETERIA -- as soon as the parents heard about it they were rightfully outraged and are demanding that the school be professionally cleaned. This is a typical liberal, progressive pagan hair-brained idea.

Learn Step-By-Step How To Create Your Own Podcast An excellent, step-by-step guide on how to create your own podcast

Click Here For The Website Hosting Offer my new website host gears it's service towards podcasters

aKido's website: www.akido.biz


DaveRamsey.Com Social Security reform calculator http://www.daveramsey.com/etc/social_security/ -- calculate how much you would have with only 4% going into the government's "C" fund. This is what the calculator calculated for me:

By investing 4% of the 12.4% you already pay into social security in privatized account, you should have approximately $69,254.04 available to you at retirement in addition to a smaller traditional social security benefit.Privatizing Your Retirement Breakdowm

Your max privatized account contribution per year is 4% of your annual income - $133.33 per month for a total annual contribution of $1,600.00.

Invested over 16 years from age 49 to age 65.

Your monthly draw after retirement will be approximately $461.12. This draw accounts for an inflation rate of 3%.

This plan should leave your privatized retirement nest egg, $69,254.04, untouched to pass along as inheritance for your family.

http://tomsmoviereviews.blogspot.com my video movie reviews

my main website

http://truckertom.blogspot.com/ "Tom's Take" political blog

tom@truckerphoto.com and tomwiles@mailblocks.com Tom's email addresses

Finally, send your pod-safe non-RIAA music download recommendation links to tom@truckerphoto.com.

Be safe!


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Follow Trucking Tom's travels as he trucks around the U.S.A. Tom comments on everything from trucking and technology to politics, music and more.

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Location: West Fork, Arkansas, United States

I'm an over-the-road truck driver, full of opinions and attitude. I call things the way I see them. See my photography and more at www.truckerphoto.com.

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