Cut and paste the following text into a feed aggregator, such as Doppler Radio or Ipodder
I go through a bunch of listener email, play a couple of podcast promos as well as a couple of new Digital Off Ramp segments. The links for today's show are:
http://www.rtnda.org/resources/hiddencamera/pennsylvania.html -- Pennsylvania recording regulations
http://www.truckerjim.net/ -- another driver's website
http://mcbyrdbell.com/ohotr/ohotr.xml -- Ken and Karen's trucker podcast
http://www.typicalpcuser.com -- Victor's Typical PC User Podcast website and blog
http://desktop.yahoo.com -- Get the excellent Yahoo Desktop Search Beta tool
http://search.yahoo.com -- Yahoo's new slimmed-down Google-like search page that makes Internet searching quick and painless -- I've already personally made the switch
http://www.curry.com -- Adam Curry links directly to Digital Off Ramp podcast No. 2 on his blog
http://warman.hwyblogs.com -- Warren Lark's blog at http://www.hwyblogs.com
Here's the Sony IDC-ST25 flash voice recorder (along with an optional Sony ECM-DS70P external stereo microphone) I use for walk-around sound scene tours and get excellent results:
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/04/26/eveningnews/main691083.shtml -- If you pause this CBS News video about podcasting in "full screen" mode as it's playing, you can see "Trucker Tom's Podcast" show up in a list of podcasts on a computer screen for about one second
http://rvbookstore.com/shop/detail.aspx?m=2&p=356 - truckers friend
http://www.thenextexit.com/ - exit guide
http://www.sta-rat.com/how.htm - tandem release tool (site has a how-to video)
http://christ-etc.blogspot.com/2005/04/waiting-for-more-in-milldale.html -- Truckers Ken & Karen's Blog
http://www.catholicinsider.com -- This is an extremely well-produced podcast absolutely worth spending the time listening to
I bought a new Toshiba A75-S211 laptop computer I'm now producing the show with -- this is a VERY FAST machine!!!!!!
http://www.truckerphoto.com/morepages/dodge_pickup_hits_cow.htm -- Photos of my youngest brother's 60 MPH encounter with a black cow at night on a rural Oklahoma road -- he was wearing seat belts and had air bags so he was able to walk away from the encounter -- wear those seat belts!!!!
http://www.truckflix.com -- trucking career information and driver recruiting site
Click Here For The Website Hosting Offer -- 2 gigabytes of storage and 60 gigs of bandwidth per month for about $70 for the first year -- an excellent offer that's hard to beat!!!
The new PodcastPromos AutoFeed Podcast link is:
Here's a link to the latest tattoo I got on March 4, 2005:
I'm using the Plantronics DSP-500 USB microphone/headset and I'm loving it! Here's a link for more information about it. For the price, it's an absolutely excellent value and also will work directly with Mixcast Live in conjunction with your existing sound card.
http://darkerprojects.com/section31.html -- Excellent fan-generated Star Trek audio plays downloadable in MP3 format
http://www.hiddenfrontier.com -- Fan-generated Star Trek: Hidden Frontier video episodes -- literally dozens of episodes to download, a total of around 2.5 gigabytes of files so far, I've downloaded them all !!!!!
Adam Raimer wants to help you create promos for your podcast -- you can find him as username adam6900. You can email Adam directly at madtownaces@yahoo.com
www.geeknewscentral.com -- I announce a Podcasting alliance with Geek News Central
www.downloadradio.org -- Bittorrent downloads of podcasts, including Trucker Tom's!!!
http://mixcastlive.com -- Get the podcasting software everyone is talking about!
www.podcastrigs.com -- Paul Figgiani's great podcast gear review site and his own tremendous podcast
Learn Step-By-Step How To Create Your Own Podcast An excellent, step-by-step guide on how to create your own podcast
www.downloadradio.org -- My podcast is available via Bittorrent at Downloadradio.Org, a big thanks to the fine efforts of Peter Yorke.
http://tomsmoviereviews.blogspot.com my video movie reviews
my main website
http://truckertom.blogspot.com/ "Tom's Take" political blog
tom@truckerphoto.com and tomwiles@mailblocks.com Tom's email addresses
Finally, send your pod-safe non-RIAA music download recommendation links to tom@truckerphoto.com.
Be safe!
I'm an over-the-road truck driver, full of opinions and attitude. I call things the way I see them. See my photography and more at www.truckerphoto.com.